The Hersham Green shopping centre is the heart of our village.
Many residents visited the consultation sessions run in September, and we are very keen to hear your views. Already serious concerns are being voiced and we share them.
Councillor Mary Sheldon comments, “The current plans are deeply flawed in several important respects and will have a significant negative impact on the quality of life of Hersham residents. The proposal to have a 7-storey building is completely out of character with the Village. I am also worried about access to the residential part of the development, being so close to Burhill Primary School in New Berry Lane, and the safety of the children who use this Lane throughout the day”.
Councillor Paul Wood added, “It is essential that the new owners get feedback from the community. Many residents have already responded to the developers as requested, and they must listen carefully and amend their plans. We need a flourishing shopping centre, but we have to get this right.”
Details of the proposals can be viewed at and you can send comments to [email protected]